Bankruptcy Liquidation: Sanchez Transit Van and Vending Machines (23-116)

Bankruptcy Liquidation: Sanchez Transit Van and Vending Machines (23-116)

This auction is being conducted for the US Bankruptcy Court Case #23-01714 and all items sell to the highest bidder at timed online auction. This auction features a Ford Transit van, beverage and snack vending machines, one and two-door merchandisers and other snack room items.

Auction Type:  Timed online bidding - click here for the catalog

Auction Run Dates:

Bidding opens Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 9:00 AM
Lots begin closing on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 at 1:00 PM

Items to include:  This auction is being conducted for the US Bankruptcy Court Case #23-01714 and all items sell to the highest bidder at timed online auction. This auction features a Ford Transit van, beverage and snack vending machines, one and two-door merchandisers and other snack room items. Click here for photos.

SC Auction Firm License 4109

Full terms and conditions can be found on the online bidding site -
