Mid-October 2023 Ammo & Sporting Goods (23-118)

Mid-October 2023 Ammo & Sporting Goods (23-118)

This auction features over 200 lots of ammunition in multiple calibers, magazines, knives, and sporting goods - all selling to the highest bidder. Each lot opens at $1.00 and features 15% buyer's premium.

Auction Type:  Timed online bidding - click here for the catalog

Auction Run Dates:

Bidding opens Sunday, October 8th at 6:00 AM
Auction ends Sunday, October 15th at 6:00 PM

Auction Information:  This auction features over 200 lots of ammunition in multiple calibers, magazines, knives, and sporting goods - all selling to the highest bidder. Each lot opens at $1.00 and features 15% buyer's premium. Click here for full photo gallery.

SC Auction Firm License 4109

Full terms and conditions can be found on the internet auction site and must be agreed to prior to receiving a bid number for this auction.

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