Late June Ammunition and Shooting Extravaganza #2 (24-62)

Late June Ammunition and Shooting Extravaganza #2 (24-62)

This auction features over 320 lots of ammunition in multiple calibers, magazines, targets, shooting supplies, and more—all sold to the highest bidder. All items start at $1.00 with 15% BP.

This is the second of two auctions - register for one and bid in both!

Auction Type:  Timed online bidding - Click here for catalog and bidding link

Auction Run Dates:

Bidding opens June 19, 2024 at 9:00 am
Lots begin closing on June 27, 2024 at 7:00 pm

Auction Information:  This auction features over 320 lots of ammunition in multiple calibers, magazines, targets, shooting supplies, and more!
This is the second of two auctions - register for one and bid in both!  All items sell to the highest bidder with $1.00 opening bids and a 15% buyer's premium.  - Click here for the catalog

SC Auction Firm License 4109

All items sell with 15% buyer's premium.  See the full terms and conditions on the online bidding site.
