Trucks, Firetrucks and Cars - Bethune SC

Trucks, Firetrucks and Cars - Bethune SC

This timed online auction will sell vehicles from an estate in Bethune, South Carolina. Over 60 lots selling to the highest bidder with $1.00 starting bids. No reserves in this auction - be the bidder!

Auction Type:  Timed online bidding - click here for the link

Auction Run Dates:  Bidding begins Wednesday, March 25th and runs through March 31st with lots beginning to close at 5:00 pm EDT.  The lots will close one per minute and you will have a chance to increase your bids in real-time as the items begin to close.  We advise all bidders to either place a max bid or be online to win your items.

Items to include:  This auction features classic cars and trucks, current cars and trucks and two firetrucks!  All items sell to the highest bidder with all lots starting at $1.00.  A sampling of photos has been added to this site - to see the entire photo gallery, click here.

Pickup of items:  We will send winning bidders their pickup information - buyers will need to schedule their own wreckers or rollbacks to remove items.  We will have a few options in the area, but buyers should schedule their own moving transportation whenever possible.  Items are located at two lots - each lot has the information in its description.

SC Auction Firm License 4109

See the auction website for more information.

The items located in this auction must be removed from the premises by the pickup dates in the terms and conditions.  The properties the items reside on belong to other parties and we are working to remove the items as soon as possible.  All items sell AS-IS, WHERE-IS as you see them.  There are no warranties or guarantees express or implied.  You are buying these items as they sit, with no keys, titles or paperwork unless the seller can provide them AFTER the auction - bid on the items in this auction as if they DO NOT have titles in place.

The locations for each item has been included in the description of each item in the auction.  Here are the two locations:

  • Bethune Road Location - 4024 Bethune Road, Bethune, South Carolina
  • McGoughan Mill Road - 2831 McGoughan Mill Road, Bethune, South Carolina (make sure to enter this road from US Highway 1)