{sn_alpha}December Defense Ammunition & Sporting Goods{sn_alpha_head}

December Defense Ammunition & Sporting Goods

This auction features over 400 lots of hard-to-find ammunition, magazines, shooting and sporting items. All items sell to the highest bidder at timed online auction - all with $1.00 opening bids!

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Auction Type:  Timed online auction - click here for the catalog

Auction Run Dates:  The auction runs through Sunday, December 20th - lots begin closing at 7:00 pm.  Bidders can place pre-bids or maximum bids at any time or can log in as the lots close and represent their bids in real-time.

Items to include:  Over 400 lots of hard-to-find ammunition (9mm, 12-gauge buckshot, .38 Special, .40 S&W, .380, .45 and more), handgun and rifle magazines, knives, sporting items, shooting items and much more!  A sampling of photos have been added to this website - click here for the full photo gallery.

SC Auction Firm License 4109

Full terms and conditions can be found on the auction bidding page.

CA, NY and IL bidders must send in their FFL information or Ammunition Dealer Information before we can ship ammunition to your areas.
