{sn_alpha}Thanksgiving Ammunition Blowout{sn_alpha_head}

Thanksgiving Ammunition Blowout

This auction features over 300 lots of hard-to-find ammunition! Calibers: .22 Short, .22LR, 5.56, .303 British, 12-gauge Buckshot, .380 ACP, .44 Magnum, 12-gauge MiniShells, 10mm, .410 hollow-point and more!

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Auction Type:  Timed online auction - click here for the link

Auction Dates:  The bidding is now open and continues until lots begin closing on Monday, November 23rd at 7:00 pm.  You can place bids now, place maximum bids now or log in and represent your bids in real-time as the auction closes.  We will close two lots per minute beginning at 7:00 pm on Monday, November 23rd.

Auction Lots:  This auction features over 300 lots of hard-to-find ammunition! Calibers: .22 Short, .22LR, 5.56, .303 British, 12-gauge Buckshot, .380 ACP, .44 Magnum, 12-gauge MiniShells, 10mm, .410 hollow-point slugs and more!  A few photos have been added here - to view the entire photo gallery, click here.

SC Auction Firm License 4109

All State and FFL rules apply for firearm and ammunition sales - we accept all major credit cards for our online auctions. We must have your FFL information before we can ship any firearm to you. Pickup is available, however, no handguns can be picked up from out-of-state buyers.
