{sn_alpha}End of August Sportsman - Shooting - Ammunition (18-120){sn_alpha_head}

End of August Sportsman - Shooting - Ammunition (18-120)

This auction features over 300 lots of shooting items, ammunition, knives and much more - all selling to the highest bidder at timed online auction with bids starting at $1.00 on each lot!

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Auction Type:  Timed online bidding

Lots begin closing:  September 4 at 8:00 PM - click here for catalog

Items to include:   This auction features over 300 lots of shooting items, ammunition, knives and much more - all selling to the highest bidder at timed online auction with bids starting at $1.00 on each lot! - only a sampling of photos here!

Auction contact:  Darron Meares - 864-947-2000

SC Auction Firm License 4109

Full terms and conditions can be found on the auction page at www.Sold864.com
