{sn_alpha}Art Prints & White House Photography Collection{sn_alpha_head}

Art Prints & White House Photography Collection

This auction features original photography from a former White House photographer and a collection of art prints all selling to the highest bidder! Scroll through this catalog to see history behind the photographer's lens and to see the beautiful art prints inside.

Pickup is available on Thursday and Friday after the auction.

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Auction Type:  Timed online auction - click here for the catalog

Auction Run Dates:  Lots begin closing Monday, November 7th beginning at 8:00 PM

Items to Include:  This auction features original photography from a former White House photographer and a collection of art prints all selling to the highest bidder! Scroll through this catalog to see history behind the photographer's lens and to see the beautiful art prints inside.  - click here for full photo gallery

SC Auction Firm License 4100

See the online auction website for full terms and conditions.
